horror story!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

OMG i played CAKE MANIA in the office all during my lunch hour (philidelphia lite on rivita) an was so into it i was still playin when this importent client came in after my lunch hour was finished!!!!

my boss caught me playin it and was well mad at 1st but i lied an told him i had took my break later today coz i had to do some fotocopyin an that for the BITCH in HR

phew!!!!!!!!! that was toooo close!!!!!!!!!!!



At 2 March 2007 at 20:30 , Anonymous Anonymous said...

i put my bag in the way of the door so if my boss comes in i have a few secs to pull the plug out of the computer before he can get through. then if he asks why the computer is off i bend right over to plug it back in and he forgets about it because he's too busy putting my bum in his 'wank bank'.


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