a name 4 my cakLemania gam

im tryin too come up wif names 4my cakemania gam and i thuink ive got it down to five i like, wot do u think i shud call it bcos im not sure wich one is eht best one i like em all jus as much LOL

Cake Taht after the BEST BAND EVER obviusley
Let tehm eat Cake i herd it in class wen mrs binkley was talking at me in hitory she alwas did taht but i never listned much but i member that one LOL
Cake On mE after the snog they ussed to play at eh friday nihgt disco i thinkit was by ultrasox or the humming league i cant member now i shud find it in my mums CDS shes got lods of ooooooold songs shed no it probly she probly was old when it came out LOL
Cake Sorty i saw this on trigsauce and fort it was a ace idea LOL its got cakes and a storey its cake storey OMG i relly liek tis one^^
Cake Bake Callenge cos it sonds like smothing off of big brothre lol

witch one do u tink i should go with?


At 26 February 2007 at 19:28 , Anonymous Anonymous said...

Cake THAT (you speld it wrong, babes!) is a brillient title!

I'd play it. You could hav Robbie as a customer!

At 26 February 2007 at 19:33 , Anonymous Anonymous said...

OMG yes let tehm eat the cake!

At 27 February 2007 at 03:36 , Anonymous Anonymous said...

cake that and pastry

At 27 February 2007 at 03:47 , Anonymous Anonymous said...

bakrey dash of course! no brianer LOL <3

At 27 February 2007 at 09:23 , Anonymous Anonymous said...

What about 'CakeMania Mania'?


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