noel edmunds hates cake
OMG! I was watching the tele yetserday and that bloke with a beard off deal or not dael was on it and he was talking about cake.I knew he was wierd afer he had that tattoo on his bum or his face or his neck or something I cant remember where it was LOL but it was a tattoo and it was one of those creepy cult things but a cult like Amazon or something where you make a wishlist but i didnt think he was the kind of person who didnt like cake.
He said that cake was a made up drug but i dont no what hes going on about as if cake was a made up drug then that would mean that cakemania was about drug dealing and everyone nos that cakemania isnt about drug dealing its about cakes and jill would NEVER deal drugs shes my heroine and not heroine the durg LOL i dont do drugs i have a hard enough time with the chocolate i hav to stash under my pillow when im not being sicky after eating dinner. A girls got to look nice for the boys and stuff so no drugs or id look like that skanky model girl.
Wat I want to no is why no-one has told Neol that cake isnt a drug thats why i can pick cake up in asda. Hes madder than i fort LOL
lol hes jsut old and angry that he cant know how to play games liek CAKE MANIA!!!! he can go make his deals or no deals on the telly but we will jsut paly CAKE MANIA and have all the fuin"!!!!
u shuldn't hide choc under ur pillow and sick up after dinner - ull never get thin that way. hide some cellery and eat that so u burn more calorys then sick that up as well. then eat some cake to make urself feeel better lol!
People should read this.
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